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Law Firm Articles We've Published:

https://www.mtapersonalinjury.com: in the case of an Immigration firm), or are simply marked as being the best in their field . As you'll see, one of the solicitors at the firm called Michael Taylor has been a qualified solicitor since 1983 . Unfortunately MTA Solicitors seem to have been incorrectly...

https://www.apprisels.co.uk: Whilst 'Apprise Legal' with and without the 'Services' on the end will still bring up the correct firm in the top organic results of search engines - we saw a lot of ads surrounding it. The only similar organisation we could find a registration with was https: www.willwrit...

https://www.ainakhanlaw.com: It states that Aina Khan qualified as a solicitor back in 1991 , so that more than verifies her claim to having over 25+ years experience. Most legal professionals in the UK are signed up with some local Law Society. Sadly there weren't many independent reviews a...

https://taborns.com: For example if you were seeking help with a tax matter, we may show you options of a regular high street solicitor, a direct access barrister, and a regular accountants office. Sadly when it comes to business law, costs can vary far more than with consumer matters. Unl...

https://www.hutcheonlaw.co.uk: class="infoquote "We provide an extended range of legal services in niche areas of law that are often complex and specialist. Last year we ran a poll and it turned out that only 21% of people actually trusted testimonials on company websites. However a lot of people a...

https://www.pennchambers.co.uk: help me map out a sensible approach to the divorce negotiations. neither www.pennsolicitors.co.uk or www.penngroup.com are currently owned by the firm) it'd be a good idea to bookmark the correct site once you're on it if you plan to return.. You can usually find other inf...

https://frankrogerslaw.co.uk: So what are they saying about the firm? class="infoquote "honest, straight to the point and put me at ease" "I was looking at prison time for a traffic offence and in the end got a community order" "successful in appealing my guilty charge, and I thankfully didn't ...

https://www.oj-solicitors.co.uk: Not just for the legal industry either. Oana is a mature, experienced solicitor, holding law degrees in both Romania and Scotland, with over ten years of practice."< div>. It is a balancing act though. So a firm promising both does not necessarily mean a better outcome for y...

https://kudoslegal.co.uk: Your preferred English law firm may not be the best choice for that highland cow holiday incident in Inverness. (No, really.) We guarantee you that there is no 200+ year old lawyer sat behind a desk with all the wisdom any legal professional could possibly have . does ...

https://www.seriousinjurylaw.co.uk: The person was ranting about 'capitalist law firms!'. Nothing to do with our services at all. But many people (quite a large percentage according to our poll last year) don't trust them nearly as much as those on third party review sites such as Google, Yell, Trustpilot, etc...

https://5essexcourt.co.uk/our-people/profile/melvyn-harris: https: www.legal500.com firms 9330-chambers-of-jason-beer-qc 9330-london-england " The Legal 500< a> page about them also uses similar wording in it's praise: class="infoquote "An excellent set with a stellar reputation, 5 Essex Court consistently appears in high-pr...

https://www.averywalters.com: For example, a firm that states 'founded in 1883' could simply have bought the brand name or have found some really tenous family links with one of their staff. You may also see other names such as Avery Walters Ellis Solicitors and Avery & Walters Ltd mentioned when looki...

https://awhsolicitors.co.uk: If you click on each person's name you can also see their qualification date and specialist areas. The internet makes it much easier to find services you need such as legal advice. Peter King qualified in 1982, Samantha Harris in 1999, Fatima Musa in 2016, right up to Cathry...

https://hampsonhughes.com: You can look up the expertise and years of experience of any solicitor registered with The Law Socienty. For example, we've always made our thoughts about 'online compensation calculators' very clear. My case was handled professionally, with quick responses and constant upd...

https://www.lawcomm.co.uk: If you needed to speak to someone in particular and they were busy you always got a call back quickly." "Tahzeem handled our property very professionally from the start to completion, she is well organised and get things done" "I recently bought a house and they m...

https://www.redwoodcollections.com/refer: The usual testimonials are pasted on the firm's site, however (as our poll last year informed us) people tend to ignore testimonals on company sites. There aren't too many possible variants to worry about and scammers tend to target other legal matters such as property and w...

https://london-law.co.uk: We're not fans of companies that fill their profiles with everyone's favourite foods, colours, hobbies and pet's names. But here's an example of one negative review: class="infoquote "This firm handled the conveyancing for the buyer of my flat in Central London. Howeve...

https://gloverpriest.com: But neither it nor any others we checked such as hyphenated versions redirected us to the correct site. We therefore absolutely recommend bookmarking the official site once you're on it and of course never discuss personal bank details via email. It's useful tool to keep i...

https://www.jarmanssolicitors.co.uk: However at least it's cliche-free . It could also mean they've researched what's possible and organised the most sought after information so people can view it. Jarmans even ended up saving me more money through good advice ..." < div> In all honesty, there aren't many ...

https://www.33legal.uk: Considering the huge number of simple variants people might mis-remember such as www.33legal.co.uk, we recommend bookmarking the main site we've linked to above if you plan on coming back to them. Words like 'modern', 'friendly', 'maximum', 'jargon-free', and so on sound gre...

https://www.drivingdefences.co.uk: In all honestly, I don't think there is another firm anywhere on our network with this many reviews listed on third party forums. A few points on navigation. class="infoquote "Having acted for drivers from all walks of life, from the man in the street to premie...

https://www.driscollkingston.co.uk: Anyway, back to this firm: class="infoquote "98% of our Personal Injury Claims are on a no win no fee basis which means there is no financial risk to you"< div> Some case types such as difficult medical negligence cases won't be able to be covered by a no win, no ...

https://sbwlaw.co.uk: But with legal professionals there are often other resources available. No firm is ever going to state they are 'cold' or 'unfriendly'. The majority of scams targeting law firm clients at the moment https: www.halifax.co.uk aboutonline security protecting-yourself-from-fra...

https://iwcprobateservices.co.uk: But we've written in several articles before about how meaningless the age of a firm's branding is anyway. They then take that case to a third party solicitor to deal with whilst they act as a very-well-paid middleman. There are very specific pieces such as "The Chain of Rep...

https://www.briffa.com: But the firm's enthusiasm unashamedly spills out of their website anyway. We're always open about the fact that some of the firms we review might be current partners of ours. One look at Briffa's website though with the large text, bright pinks, yellows, and flower images - ...

https://helix-law.co.uk: This inevitably results in those articles being thin on content, but packed with extra sales pitches about the firm. Helix Law's article section on the other hand does seem to have a large number of articles aimed at the general consumer. I had an urgent matter that I...

https://leechandco.co.uk: We have a passionate commitment to old-fashioned values of client care and we will always come to you at your home or workplace so you do not have to come to our office." < div> Originally a much wider ranging firm covering many different issues, Leech & Co have since mo...

https://www.joannaconnollysolicitors.co.uk: That last one is quite important. Previously Head of Consumer Credit Litigation at MSB Solicitors, Joanna has had extensive litigation experience in both the County Courts and High Courts level. The firm can offer assistance in defending County Court claims as well as s...

https://www.cfglaw.co.uk: There aren't a lot of indications as to why this firm decided to be different. However, I've also personally written and commissioned many articles about the shameful legal bill that burdens our NHS each year. Again, bias may come into play but I've been injured twice ...

https://www.hja.net: By the umpteenth award, we did what most people would do - i.e. We list firms that process £millions in cases. The clientele and Legal Aid dependancy would shape any firm in a certain direction. The official address is www.hja.net as detailed above. So all things consi...

https://www.csllaw.co.uk: That's not unusual for Google, but in this instance it made researching difficult and it became apparent that unless people actually dug into some of the links - they might form incorrect assumptions. There are similarly named firms at addresses such as www.csllegal.com, www...

https://www.rsrlaw.co.uk: Or as we normally do - state conclusions that could be drawn and why they probably shouldn't be. Specialist Solicitor." with statements on how each relates to contesting a will. There are also websites at www.rsrltd.co.uk and www.rsrltd.com but those are different firms as w...

https://www.thejohnsonpartnership.co.uk: This is the kind of contact you'll probably not want to be faffing around trying to find details for when the time comes.. The first paragraph of the firm's website states: class="infoquote "As the largest criminal firm in England and Wales, we cover the entire countr...

https://www.autologistic.co.uk: (No pun intended.) Unless you have the most expensive and utterly inclusive insurance policy, most people will have to sort out or find separate people for their accident recovery, car hire, repairs, injury claim, etc. When you consider there are 1 million uninsured dr...

https://www.whitecollarlegalandadmin.com: Is there enough history and information out there to make an informed decision? Certainly there are review sites, but try and avoid the un-managed ones that allow anyone with a grudge to take up the entire page with capital letters and exclamation marks. After one hour...

https://kingsviewchambers.com: As mentioned before, they do cover criminal defence work and even seem to indicate such cases making up the bulk of their 20+ years experience. So why have we sought out such a relatively new, small chambers to add to our network? There are a few reasons, but the one that ca...

https://www.kctrust.co.uk: We had to crawl the web to find all this out about them (you're welcome). The applications are still mostly overseen by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) but the press have not been kind to the concept. Therefore it is probably best to bookmark the correct site once ...

https://www.ehlsolicitors.co.uk: Then in 2014 the firm's Managing Director was crowned Boss of the Year for Leicestershire. At the time of writing this, there are currently 15 EHL offices across England : Beeston, Bulwell, Buxton, Carlton, CityGate, Hinckley, Hucknall, Leicester, Lewisham, Loughboroug...

https://www.daveylaw.co.uk: Why did I feel like mentioning that number? Because this is the first time I'm going to be writing about a regular law firm. Any company that can't offer something special, is believed to be risking failure. He has secured millions of pounds in compensation for his clients. ...

https://www.meresbrookpollardsolicitors.co.uk: So this is a good start. color="green "We are based in West Yorkshire in the heart of the community and pride ourselves on being a local firm for local people." < font> This is another claim often made by firms. There are no lists of negative reviews on the regul...

https://www.balfour-manson.co.uk: The whole site looks professional and puts across the idea that this firm is well established and filled with professional acting people. Duthie Ward's partners, Alastair Duthie and Richard Ward, have joined Balfour & Manson as consultants. So www.balfour+manson.co.uk or ww...

https://murrayhay.co.uk: They also promise to provide competitive rates, for prompt and efficient legal services, from a friendly team, with many years of experience. Heading up this friendly group of experienced people are Ian Hay and Colum Murray. Some firms build a website with the focus on ...

https://www.thompsons-scotland.co.uk: But we would recommend bookmarking the site you want once on it rather than trying to remember which one it was.. This ability is certainly more helpful to people with serious life-changing injuries that may be out of work throughout the entire running of the case. So th...

https://ashworthmotoringlaw.co.uk: They also promise access to the country's best scientific experts as well as "the most infamous trial barristers" . Case types covered include: Speeding Offences Drink Driving Drug Driving Contesting Blood and Urine Samples Failure to Provide a Specimen ...

https://jacksonlees.co.uk: The addresses in Liverpool and Manchester are still the same. These include Tough Mudder, 5km, 10km and marathon runs, cupcake sales, donation boxes and so on. etc. If you're not familiar with the QS branding, QualitySolicitors is a network of law firms who all have to offer...

https://www.accidentclaimsscotland.co.uk: Certainly whenever someone gets a speeding ticket they don't look up for a general law practice. www.acs.co.uk and www.acs.com are two totally different IT companies. The guy behind ACS, was one of the people that worked with us on that old system. class="infoquote "Ex...

https://www.lambertpugh.co.uk: In fact, most times we are flummoxed by the excessive content of sites, the poor accessibility, and the rather bland templated style of testimonials. However, the Lambertpugh site is quite different. For either commercial or residential - you really need to get on the p...

https://www.mcshaneandco.com: Fee quotations are focused not just on price, but on speed. They've striven for a reputation as: a high-quality service with first-class technical ability and commercial acumen. Of course, we probably wouldn't have them on the network if they were so inclined. On the bu...

https://www.taylor-rose.co.uk: I didn't even try adding the MW part on at this point. Those definitely still exist. There are also individual area sites such as www.taylor-rose-cumbria.co.uk for Taylor Rose's Cumbrian operations. But this is true for a huge number of firms that handle property matte...

https://www.atkinson-rose.co.uk: When it comes to things like motor offences, criminal defense, bankruptcy, and so on - people are always seeking specialists. we offer a free legal assessment call with a qualified lawyer to anyone with a legal concern at work." (sic)< div> Lastly, do they win more cas...

https://barrister-directclaims.com: They are not a traditional law firm, so whatever pre-conceptions you have about dealing with legal professionals - working direct with a barrister is unlikely to match them. They handle all the usual types of accident claims such as road traffic accidents, public liability c...

https://www.robson-co.co.uk: Anyway - we're making too much of this. Robson&Co's Family Law experts, like all other firms, will either be the type you are looking for or not. then rinse and repeat several times until one of you gives up and slams down the phone in frustration! Keith Betts - Ma...

https://www.brearleyssolicitors.com: Most of the time they are used in marketing campaigns - e.g. It is not unusual for companies in any industry to create specialist or mini-sites. Individual solicitors somehow claiming 'specialism' in multiple areas of law, increasingly more so. Obviously if you are look...

https://www.lawincornwall.co.uk: They can work on appropriate claims under a Conditional Fee Agreement, a.k.a. "Law in Cornwall" is a branding trading name for Cubism Ltd. a "No Win No Fee" arrangement. They also cover the regular range of personal injury compensation claims available. 'No win no fee' is no...

https://www.famlegal.co.uk: The firm's owner and Principal Solicitor Julia Brown is a member of resolution, and have achieved accredited specialist status with them in relation to both cohabitee disputes and financial matters on divorce. If you would like to talk to speak to Family Legal then please fe...

https://www.huneewothsolicitors.co.uk: Huneewoth Solicitors was no exception. So for this review article (so I have a reference to point to next time I'm asked) I'm going to take you through what I did to research this firm. On any decent law firm's website you should expect to see a landline number, an emai...

https://www.maclachlansolicitors.co.uk: That's why firms who allow you to speak to your actual solicitor BEFORE deciding to go ahead are the best to contact. MacLachlan simply state their firm opened in 1998. A 50-year-old firm might give your case to a 1-year qualified solicitor and a 1-year-old firm might give ...

https://www.marcusandreen.com: Prior to that he worked in legal roles for Mobile Systems International Limited (MSI), and Synon.. His website states an estimated saving of around 25% to 50% when compared to that charged by full service, general law firms. Established in 2004, with the objective of of...

https://www.hartleybain.co.uk: Individual Immigration - for individuals whether moving for studies, work or family relocation. Because in this instance, the person will have been asked for this at the conclusion of their case which makes it highly unlikely that the testimonial was incentivised (such as yo...

https://www.dsluk.net: Either they are not answering their phone, letters, or whatever. No-one on either side of it is getting the result they want. The only one we can vouch for is www.debtsolveuk.biz, which currently redirects to the main www.dsluk.net website. That means the people working at a...

https://www.taylorbracewell.co.uk: Taylor Bracewell, however, did not have an "About Us" page for us to peruse. They make no quantitative remarks against any business type contacting them, even stating that they are happy to advise on all commercial matters for businesses large and small, new or well establis...

https://www.ktpsolicitors.com: Obviously this is just advice. This is an increasing trend amongst solicitors to indicate an understanding and empathy towards clients who may require extra help, longer discussions, assistance and more. Therefore, we strongly suggest bookmarking the correct site once you're...

https://www.cwconveyancing.co.uk: www.countrywide.co.uk is also available, however www.countrywide.com goes to an American firm. Countrywide Conveyancing Services is a trading name of Countrywide Property Lawyers Ltd which is an Alternative Business Structure (ABS) regulated by the Council for Licens...

https://www.jefferies-solicitors.com: That means customers whose flights have been cancelled or delayed can claim up to 600 Euros from the airline. Jefferies have installed an online calculator on their website for people to see estimates of their potential compensation for things such as lost deposits, hire car...

https://www.cbtrl.com: Even basic counselling requires the person to know what questions to ask, what body language to watch out for, and to have a wide vocabulary of emotional descriptions to help the person clearly put into words what they are feeling. When re-interviewed by a solicitor, if...

https://www.rjgill.co.uk: will all be ready to go all the time, with only injury claims on their mind. This should result in your claim being handled faster and more efficiently, which means lower legal costs for the third party, which means an inclination towards a faster settlement and agreeme...

https://www.rgsolicitors.co.uk: Do you know the feeling I'm getting at? So, why have I chosen to bring all that up when writing a piece on RG Solicitors? Have they got a Facebook page with selfie shots of their staff in Charlie's Angels poses? Are they forever typing "#yolo lol peeps!" on their Twit...

https://www.amnestysolicitors.com: we are one of only a small handful of firms whose lawyers are solicitor-advocates, with accreditation to level 2 of the Law Society Immigration Accrediation Scheme. Considering the importance of Amnesty's difference, we're surprised the above statement is only printed on the...

https://www.bmd-law.uk: This is with a "member of our staff who will be extremely experienced in dealing with family law" which may mean that it is not with an actual solicitor. Their "Business Angel" setup grabs considerable focus once you've delved into the site. There are also images of a...

https://www.blainboland.co.uk: Even just the handful of paragraphs in the " https: www.blainboland.co.uk ard detail_doc.asp?ID=352420&AID=1380&SID=34&FID=25516" Civil Partnerships< a>" article could save people a considerable amount of time and therefore expense when it comes to kicking off a case. Not ...

https://www.qdoslegal.com: There is an absolute plethora of sites out there under the QDOS brand. A mouthful? Well, whether those contracts deal with employees, customers, suppliers, terms & conditions, or regular residential tenancy agreements - the right language and a bespoke contract is often key....

https://www.ashmanssolicitors.com: It's a strong article. We have many clients that we arrange to see in the evenings due to their work commitments and for the elderly, disabled or seriously injured due to a non fault accident we are also happy to see them in the comfort of their own home."< div> The sam...

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